2022 – 2030
White Paper on Enterprise
2022 – 2030
Our vision is for Irish-based enterprise to succeed through competitive advantage
founded on sustainability, innovation and productivity, delivering rewarding jobs
and livelihoods
Modern Methods of Construction
A Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Working Group was established by CIF in 2016 consisting of
member companies from the Housing, Specialist M&E, Civil Engineering, Modular Manufacturers and General Contracting companies. Using the UK’s MMOC Definition Framework document as a baseline, this working group interviewed key industry stakeholders and subject matter experts (SME’s) involved in modularisation. Following the approach taken in the Phase 1 Report of analysing the present state of MMC adoption and what organisations are applying this within the Irish construction sector, this report looked at what issues are present and what the key market requirements are to drive further adoption and implementation, on a wider scale for both domestic and export markets.
Modern Methods of Construction: Defining MMC Business
The construction sector, along with many others, is currently experiencing challenges to labour supply. As a result of Covid-19 many projects are behind schedule with new projects continuing to come on stream, imposing pressures on the sector. Also, the requirements of Project 2040, Housing for All and the recently announced Retrofit programme, increase the demand for competent people. In essence the resources and capability required to deliver on these ambitious targets is a challenge to the sector. It is estimated that an additional 112,000 people are required to join the industry over the next 10 years.
The Circular Economy Programme 2021-2027
This document outlines Ireland’s The Circular Economy Programme which will be led by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Circular Economy Programme incorporates and builds upon the previous National Waste Prevention Programme1 to support national-level, strategic programmes to prevent waste and drive the Circular Economy in Ireland. The development of the Circular Economy Programme responds to the commitment within the national policy document The Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy to reconfigure the National Waste Prevention Programme into Ireland’s The Circular
Economy Programme.
Think Wood 2022 Timber Trends
If 2021 was a year of labor, supply chain, and pandemic-related disruptions, 2022 will be a year to gain new traction on the pressing issues shaping our approach to the built environment. In January 2022, Think Wood surveyed 500 architects, engineers, developers, and contractors to get their take on the emerging trends in design and construction this year. The top three trends — low carbon construction, affordable housing, and prefabrication/modular construction — were ranked in popularity within >1% of each other, suggesting the importance of employing multiple strategies to address design challenges.
This intersectionality, exhibited in a rising number of timber projects, is a bright spot for the year ahead.